Vet working in VA hospital
Jim I’m a Vet and work at a VA hospital. I have fought for years about misconduct, and I have been the target of many unlawfully things.Now, I have called them out on using ear bug devices when seeing my Doctor meetings and have let it be known. Who can I go to, to get this stopped? Would like to go into detail. They re-assigned the police Chief but there are still others holding a grudge against me for that. Thank you
Jim's Reply:
If you believe that your rights as an employee are being violated, you should do a Google search to find an employment attorney who will work with you. Having your own representative is important!
- PS from StatesideLegal: Use our "Find Legal Help" directory to look for a LRS provider near you and request a low-cost consultation with a lawyer who specializes in employment/whistle-blower cases.