Child custody dispute between VA and CA


My wife and I are currently separated. I'm 100% disabled vet living in Virginia. My wife took my four-year-old son back to California after we've been living here in Virginia and she won't return them back.   I would like to know my legal rights.  I have my 10 year-old,  my 18 year old,  and 19 year old that live with me , but she kept my four year old and now she's threatening that I can't see him anymore.  My next question would be she's dating someone;  am I obligated to know if she staying with them in the house or to know the the the man's full name and not just the first name so I can make sure that I could do a background check on them to make sure that he's not a pedophile or anything like that. Do I have any legal rights to do that?

Jim's Reply:

The only way to determine what rights you may have is to enter into a divorce court. The court will answer all your questions.

  • PS from StatesideLegal:  You can use the "Find Legal Help" directory to look for a LRS provider in VA (and perhaps also in CA) and request a low-cost consultation with an attorney experienced in child custody issues and VA benefits.  The lawyers also can advise you on where the legal proceeding should take place (VA or CA). 

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