School is not supporting son's educational needs


I have a son attending a charter school who has disabilities (Autism, dyslexia, dysgraphia, adhd). He has an IEP but the school is barring him from 3 classes citing prerequisites. Of course, these prerequisites were not approved by the board and other kids got in those classes from his grade. They want to force him to take a writing class despite the fact that he has a writing disability and won’t budget and the teacher is s massive jerk who emailed me all the time about how my kid was s pain and couldn’t do the work. Can I go after them for discrimination and how?

Jim's Reply:

Any American citizen can "go after" any other American citizen for almost any reason at all by using the full force and effect of the laws of the land. How? That's easy. You first hire an attorney who will file the case in the proper court for you. Once you've ponied up the retainer fee the attorney you choose asks for, you're off to the races. This won't be cheap but you get what you pay for, right? Good luck!

  • PS from StatesideLegal:  If your family is currently in the military, your son's needs may be addressed by the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, which we address on our website here.  You may also want to  search online for  the "protection and advocacy" agency in your state, as they also provide free services to support children with disabilities.   Basic information on that system is available here.

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