Outrageous delay in pay status for approved claim
This is my second or 3rd attempt to resolve this issue. If you're angry I'm three times more frustrated and angry than you I guarantee you that, till this day the VA and OPM have failed to put me into the PAY STATUS of my claim in spite having been confirmed and approved by OPM & VA of my VA Disability Pension Benefits since Feb. 21, 2019 ?????? I received notification that it was finally moved up to the EXPEDITE STATUS but still without results. I can't understand their lack of efficiency and urgency, this VA & Government Policy of DENY, DENY, DENY & DELAY DELAY DELAY hoping that you croak & die so they don't have to pay is completely out of control and unjustified and in the meantime you must still struggle trying to survive making ends meet going through all kinds of financial hardships and problems while I'm still also trying to take care of my 80 yr. old Mother widow of a WAR VET. They're also doing the same thing with my NAVY Service Connection Claim that's been on appeal since May 2015. Mind you that it was the Miami VA that incapacitated me on 2013 which, as a consecquence, I became homeless not able to sustain myself as an Aircraft Mechanic Engineer due to my Back condition and PTSD, Depression & Anxiety Disorders among other things... and they're still telling me that I have over 119,000 other claims still ahead of me. Makes you wonder why Veterans like me believe that the whole system is CORRUPT !!!!!!
Jim's Reply:
Yes, agreed.