VA rating increased..but TDIU exam


After 9 years of husband struggling with back pain and holding a job.. I got him to quit his part time position and go to the VA. Retired CPO w 30 disability rating.  The VA rated his 10% depression to 70% and 10% back was raised to 20% and the add nerve damages ..when done,  disability rating hit 90% . He applied for TDIU and listed all service connected items.. The VA scheduled brand new  C & P exams even though it had only been 2 mo. We had PTSD exam and the doc announces to my husband he doesn't have PTSD in his opinion. Will we need to appeal this to keep from losing the initial 90% rating.?? Or is the c&p exclusive to the TDIU claim? Seems cruel having vet rehash feelings thoughts over and over in 2 mo period.  He struggled on his own for 10 yrs because he feared this run around

Jim's Reply:

I don't know the answer to your question, there are entirely too many variables. I can tell you that what he's experiencing is entirely routine and he shouldn't feel special or singled out because of it. VA is broken. Applying for benefits is always a pain in the neck and always full of surprises. The veteran who deals with all the foolishness gets benefits, the veteran who walks away doesn't get benefits. I spent the better part of 5 years in appeals almost 20 years ago. I was nearly bankrupt, had to take loans against my house and all that went with it. Am I glad I did that? Of course I am and your veteran will be too.



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