100% temporary rating


I read your article about the 100% temporary rating. I went from 90% to 100% temporary. They want to reevaluate my headaches, skin fungus, ptsd and bilateral knee after my doctor gave a letter saying I am a candidate for knee replacement and I have barely held 3 different jobs over the last 6 months. Should I wait until 2022 for the exam, or should I ask to be rated at T&P based on current conditions that will only worsen as I get older (Currently 50).

Jim's Reply:

A 100% disability rating may be permanent or temporary. The reason for a temporary rating is that VA believes certain conditions will measurably improve over time. If temporary, there will be future exams scheduled and that is the point at which the veteran should talk about the condition being rated as permanent. Wait for the exam.

Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/100-temporary-rating