BVA just granted earlier effective date on claim
I just recently was granted by the BVA on my earlier effective date, since was already granted 30% back in 2012 for my claim of service connection. Am I going to have to wait months or since I'm already drawing a percentage, just wait on them to implement my effective date of Feb.05 1996 until my grant in 2012, which was for the 30% beginning in April 2009? It's possible it will be around $55,000. So how many years am I looking at? Thank you.
Jim's Reply:
It isn't possible to predict what may or may not happen to an individual claim or appeal. There are just too many variables in the mix that could have an effect that could cause it to sail through the process or be held up for years. It's long been my habit to tell veterans that we have to prepare for the worse...budget your life like you'll never see a VA monetary benefit. Then, if and when it're ahead of the game.