One state emptied my bank account
I'm a 100 % disabled Army vet. The state of Illinois yesterday took all my money from my Wells Fargo bank in the state of Arizona where I live and where my direct deposit goes. My only source of income?
Jim's Reply:
This can get very complex pretty quickly and even more so since you didn't tell me why the state took your money. Your VA benefits can't be garnished to satisfy a debt. Having said that if there is a way for someone to attach money from a bank account, they will claim that they don't know what is VA disability money or otherwise. It sounds as if you owe some money and it's likely that there has been an order from a court to retrieve it electronically. Since I don't know about your debt, I can't be specific except to say that when we don't repay money we owe, they will come after our VA disability benefits and often enough, they'll find a way to get their money.