Early retirement vs. TDIU
My husband is looking at retiring within 5 years. He is eligible now to do the early retirement. He recently had an award of 60% that has him at 80%. He has a 30% disability rating from a knee injury from when he was in the Air Force and it has affected his other knee and back. It is hard for him to get around to do his job with walking or with his knee giving out. We have also discussed about him possibly filing TDIU. We are trying to figure out the best process for him to retire.
What would be your suggestion. Thank you for your help and all the wonderful information on your site.
Jim's Reply:
The TDIU benefit isn't a retirement benefit. The TDIU benefit is meant for veterans who are unable to work because of their service connected disabilities. Your veteran is working so he isn't eligible. If he uses a planned retirement, that isn't the same as not being able to work. As a rule the best approach to TDIU is to be unemployed for a while and show VA you tried to get jobs but can't because of the rated disabilities. His civilian retirement is in need of some planning, I agree. But I wouldn't plan to use TDIU as a piece of the equation...that's fraud and not something I recommend.