Various questions about VA disability claims
A Vietnam vet army pilot flew cover for c-123's spraying agent agent orange along cambodian border. Have had 50% VA disability for many years PTSD, etc. Years ago, refiled for increase denied since I was working a much lower paying job. Last year was diagnosed with prostate cancer by VA. Being treated by civilian doctor ? outcome. Have refiled VA claim involving a orange and recently had follow up exam/review by civilian medical general practitioner. Results returned to VA. All I really want is for my wife to get VA monthly payment if she survives me. We both work, receive regular early SSI payments for age 62. After 9-11 attack, I had a total mental breakdown and was in VA Medical center for several months. Their care was really great and got me back on my feet and finally went back to work part-time at Lowes . I take 15 dfferent VA meds daily, some 2x, but I was placed in their EARLY DEMENTIA PROGRAM additional diagnosis testing MRI's CAT scan's ect and ineviws with neurologist/psychologist to eval my change. See several different VA medical specialists at least 1 per month.
I'm 76, my wife 75, and we've been married 52+ yrs. I've filed a claim with VA due to new Agent Orange policy and recently have had to indepent civilian medical records and physical exam in Mobile, AL . They said the files being sent back to VA for review and processing. I"ve got a meeting next with local Social Security office since the VA agent orange benefits could involve both government programs. I spent 11 months 29 days in Vietnam flew over as 2lt out of flight school and flew home as a CAPTAIN. I must have done something right but America did not win the war.
Jim's Reply:
Any time we're denied a disability benefit we apply for we're allowed to retain an accredited veterans law attorney to appeal our case. You can learn more about how to hire an attorney here