Parotid Mixed Tumor


Hi Jim. While serving in Viet Nam,  I had to have a Parotid mix tumor removed (benign).  The doctor told me that he got out as much as he dared,  but was afraid of cutting facial muscles. A few years later, after I got out of the Army, the same tumor had to be removed again. The doctor told me essentially the same thing about the danger of cutting facial muscles. It may return again for all I know. Do you think this qualifies as a disability?

Jim's Reply:

Yes. You should apply for a rating based on your service medical record. When you have documented a medical condition while on active duty, that condition is pretty much automatically eligible for a VA benefit. That the tumor is recurring and requires surgery each time says that you're eligible for a 100% temporary rating while your recover. I'd suggest that you apply as soon as you can get around to it.

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