Full disability awarded to ex-wife


A judge in Alabama has awarded my full army disability to my wife at the time but now ex-wife. It was my understanding that it can be used to count towards my income and then base that for child support but awarding my ex-wife my full disability? Any advice would be great. Thanks for your help

Jim's Reply:

You're correct that a court can't directly assign or garnish your VA disability money to an ex-spouse. In other words, the VA can't be ordered to send the money directly to the ex. But the judge can and often does assign that full amount and even more as alimony or child support depending on the circumstances brought before the court. If you disagree with the amount that the court has ordered you to pay, the only remedy for you is to return to that court and seek a modification of the amount you owe.

Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/full-disability-awarded-ex-wife