disabled spouse may have been misled in buying house


Is there such benefits for a disabled veteran who may have been taken advantage of in buying a house that is now costing more to repair than was told by his realtor? Kinda like the Lemon Law for automobiles? My husband served 20 years in the Navy and now suffers from results of a TBI and physical disabilities. He is over 100% service connected. His decision making as well as his cognitive thinking is severely jeopardized.

Jim's Reply:

I'm not sure what kind of benefits you had in mind? In any case, if someone has been deceived in a real estate transaction their next step should be to speak with a lawyer who is experienced in real estate. If the lawyer determines that there may be a case, your veteran can go from there and do what the lawyer recommends.

  • PS from StatesideLegal: Use the "Find Legal Help" directory to talk with the local LRS provider and request a low-cost consultation with a real estate attorney in your area


Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/disabled-spouse-may-have-been-misled-buying-house