Vietnam Vet vs. Vietnam Era Vet


I am applying for my VA health benefits. I served in the Navy from 1973-1977 attached to various submarine squadrons. As I read the VA printed documents, I do not understand how they differentiate between Viet Nam Vets and Viet Nam Era Vets. I consider my self as an era vet since not having boots on the ground, however, the VA classification and the benefits I may receive are unclear to me. Can you please clarify so that I may qualify for what benefits that are legitimately available to me.

Jim's Reply:

Vietnam era veterans are those who served during the time of the Vietnam war but didn't set foot in the country of Vietnam. The Vietnam vet is one who was assigned within the combat zone of the country and it's surrounding waters. Vietnam veterans who set foot in country are entitled to presumptive agent orange benefits, otherwise the benefits are pretty much the same. I served from 1967 to 1970 and I was assigned to a hospital in Germany...I'm a Vietnam era vet.


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