C& P exam dr pushed my body


I just had a C&P exam today for my left shoulder and left knee. I've already been given 20% for my shoulder so I don't know why he looked at it again. The doctor examined my shoulder by forcing my arm to full rotation,  he then did the same to my knee even when I told him that it doesn't bend he only replied by saying I know and kept going. I fear he's going to change my shoulder to full range of motion and also do the same with my knee. Is there anything I can do before waiting the 2 to 6 months to find out the decision?

Jim's Reply:

No. We never interrupt the process because we have no clue about what the doc wrote in his report or how the rater will react and use the data. The process calls for us to wait for a decision and then appeal the decision if necessary.

Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/c-p-exam-dr-pushed-my-body