Both spouses served and now divorcing


So during division of assets in a divorce,  my husband has his 100% and another 1100k SS. Household assets that provided include 600k, but at retirement, I am 62, my income plunges to 22k. Does a judge consider the 55k my husband will keep for life or is it a hard spilt although I am not being kept whole. Hope this makes sense. I was hoping future state is included for example if I get 300k, i have maybe 7-8 years to his 55k, but if gets the full 300k, he now at 80k for the same time. Thanks for any insight you could provide. I am also a veteran but without benefits.

Jim's Reply:

You'll have to ask the judge that question. At least in theory, all income is counted in a court ordered financial statement, including VA disability payments. once the total income for each party is confirmed and accepted, the court can then make any reasonable orders that the law will allow. Future issues are hard to address as things often change over time and often enough we're told to return for any necessary adjustments as they arise. Ultimately, you need an attorney on your side to protect you...this is your future and investing in proper representation is a great way to even any odds in a court.

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