1151 claim


I must file an 1151 claim (38 USC 1151) against VA regarding a mental health Psychological Evaluation. This Evaluation has been a part of my VA records since 1999 and has been used in Rating Decisions from 2001 to 2013 to deny benefits. The emotional hurt is difficult to express, the language in the Evaluation is painful—and defamatory. The only way to fight VA is with 1151 motions and the courts. Please help, what form do I use to submit my 1151, what are the steps, since I have to do this pro se can you reference any case law, statutes, or articles. Do attorneys assist veterans in these cases? Any comments or advice is appreciated. Thank you for helping veterans and their families.

Jim's Reply:

I can't guide you through filing an 1151 claim...you need a veterans law attorney. You can find your lawyer here

Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/1151-claim