Disabled vet pays more than required to ex and kids


If you are a disabled veteran drawing compensation at 100% from the VA, drawing Social Security Disability retirement, and OPM retirement  and your ex wife receives dependent monies from social security  disability retirement, and you pay an extra $1000 a month additional in child support ( meaning she gets at total of $2,060 a month for child  support) is she double dipping and she has been using the child support and wiring it to Honduras instead of my kids because I always buy  their clothes and pay their cell phone bills. Am I being too generous according to the law or there any laws to protect me from overpayment?

Jim's Reply:

When we divorce and an alimony or child support order is made by the court, that order stands until it is formally changed. If you believe that you pay too much, you must ask the court for a hearing to modify the orders and go from there. If you convince the court that you pay too much, the court will modify the orders and you're all set.


Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/disabled-vet-pays-more-required-ex-and-kids