Wondering about rating chances


I signed up with VSO August of 2018. Just had two c- p exam Ed this past week (3-5 and 3-6) I have early stage Wha Parkinson’s,mineres disease,hearing loss in left ear ( 50%) and cochlear implant in right ear . What do you think my chances are of getting rated are?   I was in Nam 1967 - 1968. Thanks! How long do I wait?

Jim's Reply:

You're asking me to guess about ratings and VA timeliness and I can't do either. The ratings system is very complex and to answer your questions I'd have to have your entire folder in front of me. The wait can be as short as a few months or as long as a few years...there's no way to predict.

Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/wondering-about-rating-chances