Worried about son with criminal charges


My son is in the Navy in Fla, since Christmas 2018 he has been in psych ward or jail because his ex called police from Texas and told them he was suicidal. As soon as he was released, she had him arrested on bogus domestic abuse charges. She is one of those people that cuts herself, she has since middle school. She also likes weird stuff during sex. Everyone that knows Tyler knows how much he loves his kids and how hard he worked to take care of his family. Now she has him up on charges for the same things she does to herself and is playing the victim. She is into drugs and S&M. Unfortunately I can’t afford him a good lawyer and he has a court appointed public defender who he only sees the day they are in court and to whom he hasn’t been able to tell his side to. He was in court this past Thursday for a bond reduction that was denied and the judge belittled him and told him he had his ex on speed dial. My son has problems with depression and I worry what is going to happen to him because it sounds like he is getting ramrodded.

Jim's Reply:

Once we enter the criminal justice system, there's little anyone can do to help. He'll have to depend on the court appointed attorney.

Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/worried-about-son-criminal-charges