100% temporary since 2013


Hi, A lot to read on your site and very informative. I had prostate cancer diagnosed in 2007, treated with proton radiation and post treatment psa was 0.2 which, now, over 12 years is at 7.7 checked this month. Applied for disability benefits service connected exposure to agent orange in 2007 but was repeatedly denied since I didn't have "boots on ground" in Vietnam. I served 69-70 in Thailand. VA eventually admitted to spraying AO in other countries including Thailand but I had to prove my work area was exposed and I did with photos of no vegetation growing where I outdoor tested jet engines located near the perimeter fence line. Hired an attorney to present my case, eventually reached a 3rd step hearing and was awarded 100% temporary in 2013 with back pay to 2007. I've been on wait & watch all this time with 6 month intervals of psa checks plus the VAMC has conducted (via out-sourced local hospitals) multiple checks of mri, bone scan, cat scan that all resulted in negative sources of cancer masses or nodules. My VA oncology PA wrote a "to whom it may concern" letter about 4 years ago stating I have chemically recurring cancer since my psa has exceeded 2 points beyond post radiation treatment which I submitted to the VARO for their record. If I was declared permanent,  my wife would be eligible for Champs coverage. Not sure how to proceed from this point but also don't want to rock the boat. Appreciate your advice.

Jim's Reply:

You're scheduled for a "future exam". That examiner is the person who can tell VA that your current condition is static without likelihood of improvement. Wait for that exam, present your case to that examiner and go from there.

Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/100-temporary-2013