Wife helped make case for VA disability


I fought my husband's case since 2007 anf finally won after years of research. He got 1/2 million backpay. I dIdn't get anything but the health insurance and him wanting to marry someone 30 years his jumior. Will I lose my ChampaVA and Tricare?  Married
11 years now. I need serious help.

Jim's Reply:

You need a divorce lawyer. Nobody else will be able to provide the serious legal help you're asking for.

  • PS from StatesideLegal:  Use the "Find Legal Help" directory to  look for LSC providers  (free legal aid providers) in your community who might be able to help or who will hopefully refer you to other resources.

Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/wife-helped-make-case-va-disability