100% Schedular - at risk of downgrade?
Good morning Jim, I am 100 percent scheduler and have been for over 5 years. My question is will the VA try to downgrade my benefits? I am 53 years of age. Also would it be worth my time to try and get P&T? My rating is for 100% cervacalgia due to Lyme Disease, 70% PTSD, 10% Tinnitus, all service connected. I am a IRAQ war Combat Veteran. Thank you Sir.
Jim's Reply:
If you are rated 100% as a temporary benefit with future exams scheduled, VA may choose to rate you differently in the future. At your age, it's not a good idea to appeal that and let VA take its time...you'll eventually be rated as P & T, usually after age 55. If you don't have future exams scheduled, you may be P & T already, even if VA hasn't explained that to you.