SGLI insurance one year time frame - is it worth appealing?


Hello Jim,
I recently applied for the SGLI insurance in hope the waiver would give me the free $10,000 policy. I was reevaluated with prostate cancer and was unaware of the 1 year time frame. I know ignorance is no excuse; however how are we to know. I am a 100% disabled vietnam veteran. I received a letter from VA stating I was over the years time and not eligible for the coverage. Is there any way of appeal that will work or just too bad. please advise Thanks

Jim's Reply:

"How are we to know?" VA would tell you that they send you the paperwork and make all the information about your benefits as available as they can. They would also tell you that it's up to you to read and understand all your options. In my experience in dealing with similar circumstances to yours, VA won't find reason to allow you to apply outside the one year time line. You can always try but understand that they aren't likely to allow you an exemption.

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