Servicemember seeks divorce
My son has been asked for a divorce by his Navy wife. She has not given him any of the she should have for separation or for housing. Her ombudsman 'informed' her of her spousal duties. She has gotten all the back pay for housing and still refuses to distribute. Ombudsman is no longer responding to any emails. Who does he go to now? (My son works 50+ hours a week-no time for leg work)
Jim's Reply:
"No time for leg work"? If your son doesn't have time to participate in a legal proceeding filed against him, the process will default pretty much in favor of the soon to be ex spouse. He needs a good divorce lawyer...there really isn't any other choice.
- PS from StatesideLegal: Your son should look for legal resources in the State where the divorce will occur via our "Find Legal Help" directory, starting with "LRS" providers who will match him with an experienced family law attorney for a consultation for a low fee. That information should help him (and you) decide whether to hire an attorney to represent his interests in the divorce.