Non-payment of child support leads to job loss
My son lives in Rochester. His driving privileges were revoked in May, while he was working, for non-payment of back child support. At the time, regular child support payments were deducted from each paycheck. Due to the loss of driving privileges, he lost his job, which was delivery driver. He has been out of work since May. His only income currently is his VA Disability check. He tried to use his bank card yesterday and it was declined. He was told that his account is frozen until all back child support is collected. Currently about $6K. Two children live in Missouri, one child lives in NY. He is distraught, does not know what to do, has no savings, but rent is due and he has no food. Who should he call, and can anything be done? He called me in Missouri for advice. Thank you in advance.
Jim's Reply:
Child support obligations aren't any different for veterans than anyone else. When the family court has gone through the process of determining obligations and written stipulations about frequency and amount of the obligations, those are permanent until the family court issues a new ruling. Unless and until there is a modification of the stips regarding obligations, he owes the money and nothing will erase that fact. His choices are pretty simple...he either pays the arrearages and gets his life back in order or he opens the case in the appropriate court and seeks to have the amount of the support order changed. There really aren't any other choices that will have any effect on all the things that are happening to him. If he doesn't either pay or have the obligation changed in the court, the state enforcement agencies will hound him wherever he is. Each state participates to some degree in child support enforcement activities so even moving cross country won't get him away from his obligations. Ultimately his VA check can be apportioned and he won't have that. VA disability pay can't be garnished but it can be apportioned...pretty much the same thing. His best bet is to get on top of it and stay current until the children are no longer of age.