Disabled vet not helping with child support
My daughter need an apportionment filed for child support on her husband's VA disability. he gets money for her and two kids been separated for over year and has not given her a dime. In lawton anyone she can contact to help her file these papers?
Jim's Reply:
You say separated, but you don't say divorced. She will need to be divorced or have a legal separation from the family court before she can begin to apportion benefits. There must be a court order that defines child support and alimony stipulations before VA will act on any apportionment request. This also applies if the marriage is common-law, she must go to court to establish paternity and other details before VA will participate. If there is a divorce intact and child support orders are in place, your daughter should be able to complete and file VA disability apportionment paperwork herself. The form that needs to be completed is here .
Once she completes and signs the form it should be delivered (using certified mail and/or fax) here:
V A Claims Intake Center
PO BOX 4444
JANESVILLE, WI 53547- 4444
Toll Free Fax: 844-531-7818
Once she has filed the paperwork VA will contact the veteran and that will get the process started. If her ex isn't compliant with the child support order she can also return to the family court for help. She can contact the clerk of court for further help. She might also try to get some help here.