His divorce lawyer advises against splitting VA backpay


My husband and I of 21 years are going through a divorce. He is medically retired,  getting VA disability and CRSC. He is owed about $85K in VA disability backpay during the course of our marriage that I worked two jobs to support our family through. Is that VA backpay a marital asset? He says he is willing to split it with me but his attorney is advising him against it. We live in FL.

Jim's Reply:

Only your lawyer can answer that for you. The financial status of a divorcing couple is a jigsaw puzzle of at least 1000 pieces. If you don't have a lawyer, you should retain one now. There is rarely anything like an amicable divorce no matter how hard we try.


Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/his-divorce-lawyer-advises-against-splitting-va-backpay