100% disability and IHD claim


My husband had a pacemaker put in for a slow heart rate of 30bpm in 2014 at the Houston VA. He now had a stent put in the RCA 6 months ago and another one 2 weeks ago distal to the other stent in the RCA. He is eligible for IHD claim because of either one of these situations. He is already 100% due to Diabetes and Parkinsons and PTSD. Thank you Sir.

Jim's Reply:

Yes, he is eligible to file for the IHD as either a presumptive claim (agent orange) or as secondary to the diabetes. He may want to mention both of those. Depending on the rating for IHD, he may or may not see a raise in his benefit payment.

Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/100-disability-and-ihd-claim