Dysphagia plus Agent Orange
Have you, in the past had any veterans that were at Fort Gordon, Georgia in August, September of 1969 experience symptoms of an ischemic stroke, after training at Camp Crockett, Area 47? I am aware of the Dioxin/TCDD testing there. I've had Dysphagia since October of 1969. I experienced three severe attacks that left me unable to swallow for eight days. These attacks happened about five weeks after I left Area 47. I had one attack at Fort Gordon and Two at Fort Sill. I was getting ready to leave Gordon when the first one happened. At Fort Sill, I never missed training. I could not eat or drink for eight days. I lost 21 pounds. I did go to the base hospital and was seen my doctors Gibson and Stewart. They did little or nothing for me. When I told them what was going on Stewart said, "That's Impossible!" Not being able to swallow was not addressed. I told them about the three attacks. Sudden, terrible head ache or pain, double vision, falling to the ground and unable to talk, etc. These lasted about five to seven minutes and were followed by me vomiting. After the second attack my right eye was drooping and half way open. That eye is the same way today. After the third attack I could not swallow. These doctors, knowing this did nothing for me. After eight days I could swallow again, but I've had at least a thousand or more choking and near death episodes since then. I'm treated at Jesse Brown VA Hospital In Chicago. I do have my medical records from Fort Sill. It does say swallowing problems, which is the same as Dysphagia. I am 80% service connected by Skin Cancer caused my Agent Orange exposure and PTSD. I'm a Vietnam Vet, First Cavalry. I had a recent claim denied for dysphagia. My advocate made bad decisions about my DIRECT SERVICE CONNECTION CLAIM. In the past Seth Director was my attorney. Due to a stroke Seth will not return to his practice. I'll be using Gang & Associates Now. I needed a denial first so that's been done. I've had two non VA doctors tell me I've had a TIA and or a TIS. This has been recent after the four surgeries I've had in the last few months. When they saw my eye, they wanted a why and when, especially the anesthesia doctors. They called me the "Man With The Stroke" from 1969. So, have you heard or been involved with a veteran that's been exposed both in the US and Vietnam and or serviced connected by both? I know have aspiration in both lungs and still have severe choking episodes. I had an episode in the hospital after one of my last surgeries. People freaked out! What is really bad now is I'm not aware of my food not going down until it's to late and I choke and aspirate. I'm an at home man now. I never go out to eat or eat at any family functions. I'm afraid I'll choke. I will not eat alone, my wife has to be there if I need help. This taxes and scares her! There is nothing that will reverse or stop this. I don't eat right and I'm losing weight because I fear choking. I think of choking to death and having my wife find me dead. I fear for her! It's only a matter of time. There is nothing the VA doctors can do other than to stretch me. After one stretch a short while back I choked right after the medical procedure.
It's been like this for going on 49 years. And it all started after Training Area 47. I know other fellas got bad head aches.. The ambulance came, took them away and we never saw them again. I had my head pain but told no one until I could not swallow any more. Sorry For Being Long Winded. Thank You For Listening To Me Jim!
Jim's Reply:
Whether or not you were exposed to agent orange in 2 different regions doesn't really come into play. That you are a Vietnam vet is all it takes to say you were exposed. As to what's happening with your claim and appeals, it sounds as if you're well represented now and you can follow the lead of the firm you're working with. Good luck!