Vietnam vet's wife and disability benefits


My husband is a Vietnam vet. Diagnosed with Prostate cancer about 5 years ago from Agent orange. Now receiving disability payment for his diagnosis. He's not had surgery or chemical, but keeps being monitored by the V.A. hospital for progression of his cancer. He had a biopsy done recently and test came back with a Gleason 3. He’s going back to VA to discuss the results soon. My question is, as a wife would I still be eligible to continue to draw his disability if his cancer progresses and he succumbs to this cancer? And if it hadn’t or won’t for many years and he passes away just from old age, will I be able to continue to collect his disability payments?

Jim's Reply:

When a veteran dies of a service connected disability, eligible dependents may apply for the DIC benefit. Read more about DIC and other survivors benefits here

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