Presumptive Prostate Cancer


I was diagnosed by the VA with presumptive prostrate cancer on March 1, 2011. I’ve had three biopsies since, all negative. The VA has proposed to reduce my rating to 0. {38 CFR 3.105(e). How should I proceed?

Jim's Reply:

I'm struggling a bit with you having had 3 biopsies over time. I can't understand why? Once you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, it doesn't disappear on its own. The prostate biopsy is an imperfect technique that returns a relatively high percentage of negative results. Most often once you have a positive biopsy, you'll never need to have another. In any case you'll have to formally appeal soon and explain to VA that the negative results don't mean the cancer has cured itself. If you can ask your doctor to support that with a statement to your medical records, so much the better. If you don't understand my instructions email me at and I may be able to help.


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