Bad marriage and VA benefits
My husband is receiving 100% Comp & Pension money.. I'm staying in a very bad 28.5 yr marriage because I'm afraid of what would happen financially to me when he dies..I believe he would pay alimony as long as he's alive but I would be surprised if he lives 5 more years.. his liver is failing and if he doesn't quit some of his habits, he has a bad prognosis..he is 71 and i'm social security is only $600. Because I raised a child alone, finished college then married him, the only money I can tap is his..I have a paralegal certificate and with my research, it appears I would be divorcing the VA, not the man, since I will need a portion of that money after he dies..
Jim's Reply:
You're at least somewhat correct. If you divorce a veteran, you're no longer a dependent to that veteran and the rights and privileges that go along with that disappear. Whether or not you'll be eligible for anything after his demise is questionable. If he isn't 100% P & T for 10 uninterrupted years or if he doesn't die of a service connected condition, you're not eligible for benefits. Whether or not you should or shouldn't divorce is a matter best discussed with an attorney who specializes in family law.