Received rating but don't know if it's permanent
Hi there I just received my 100% combined rating but it does say whether it is permanent or total in the paperwork I received. Do you know if it is or how long does it take before it does. Should I appeal to get the P&T if I am not sure if I have it or not? Thank you for your time.
Jim's Reply:
VA does a terrible job when notifying us of an award. The award letter rarely states that an award is P & T but rather will say "Future exams are scheduled"...the future exam is the indicator that the rating is temporary. A permanent rating letter may say, "Eligibility for Dependents Educational Allowance is established". DEA is a benefit that comes with a 100% P & T rating. You may also look at your eBenefits account to see if you can generate a P & T letter. If your rating is for mental health, it's more likely to be temporary than permanent. There really isn't any way to appeal a temporary v. permanent rating. It's usually best to let it be for a period long enough to get the first re-exam done and go from there