Civil Service Retirement benefits and VA disability


Hi Jim! I am a retired CSRS and 90 % disabled veteran. I am filing a TDIU to increase my disability to 100%. Will my CSRS be affected when I file IU?

Jim's Reply:

Your Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) benefits shouldn't be affected by any disability benefit you may receive from VA. However, I'll remind everyone that the TDIU benefit is not a retirement benefit. If you're choosing to retire at the appropriate moment in your working career and not because you aren't able to work due to the service connected disabilities, you may not be eligible for TDIU. TDIU is a benefit targeted to veterans who can't hold gainful employment due to one or more service connected disabling conditions. If you've voluntarily elected to retire from the work force rather than being unable to remain at work, you may not be eligible for unemployability.

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