Divorce and VA disability


I get 100% disabled. I want to divorce my wife and she claims she can get 50% of my VA benefit.  When I signed up, she had yet to retire and was not on SS benefit, now she is, and for the last 4 years she gets $1,000 a month.  We live in Texas, have zero kids together and I'm 67 and she 66.  We have not lived together for 2 years yet she makes me pay her $1,500 for her bills, which when i lived with her,  they were about $600 a month.  Is she right,  she can get 50% of my benefit money?

Jim's Reply

Divorce and the obligations of each party are never as clear cut as, "she claims she can get 50% of my VA benefit". Divorce is complex and financial obligations that come with divorce are determined by the family court. The family court will use a financial report that each party must complete to determine who may owe what to who. The only way that you'll be able to be sure of what the obligations are is to talk with a family law attorney and get your case in front of a judge.

Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/divorce-and-va-disability