How temporary is my current disability rating?
I just received temp. 100% rating along with SC1. I am 75, and had both knees replaced, both service-related Osteoporosis, verified by MRI and XRAY, along with Sciatic nerve damage. At what point do you think V.A. will require a C & P exam? With the doctor indicating I have arthritis in the lower back, hips, and legs, and I was rated 90% prior to the 100% temp., will the VA schedule a C & P? At my age, it is not going to get any better.
Jim's Reply:
You'll have a post-operative C & P exam some 6 to 12 months after any service-connected surgery. The 100% rating is temporary as you recover from surgery. The rules and regs require that you be given a C & P exam to validate the extent of the rated condition after surgery. At least in theory, an operation like a knee replacement should improve that condition and the end result may be an even lower rating after surgery than before. The "future exam" will determine whether your condition has improved or stayed the same and your rating will be determined by the exam.