I was diagnosed by the VA with Small Vessel Ischemic Brain disease, why am I being denied for Agent Orange benefit program?
I am a USAF Veteran, I am 68 years old,I served as a flight line aircraft machanic from 1970-1974, 2 1/2 years at Dover AFB and 1 year 1973-1974 in CCK Tiawan/Karat RAFB Thialand/Clark P.I., I have been diagnosed by the VA as having Small Vessel Ischemic Brain disease, I have applied for the Agent Orange benefit program and have been denied any compensation, I am currently preparing an appeal with the help of the American Legion, I am looking for a connection to Agent Orange and this disease, can you help me. Thanks for all your good work.
Jim's Reply
We urge veterans to avoid asking too many advocates for help. You've sought assistance from the AL and all your questions should be directed there. We can tell you that Small Vessel Ischemic Brain Disease isn't one of the agent orange presumptive conditions that would receive a rating almost automatically. This condition appears to be one of aging and heredity and may not ever be service connected.