Both you and this website have helped me so much with my TDIU claim, thank you!
Thank you Jim for your continued service to our country and veterans like myself. After 6 long years, I finally won my appeal and received a combined rating of 80%. I'm grateful for this website because it helped me on appeal. My state VSO had a lot of turnover from retirement and I received no support. No exaggeration, after dozens of calls and emails, my case bounced around the office. There were many days of despair. Ultimately, I mostly prevailed. For whatever reason the VA didn't consider me for TDIU. My Social Security conditions are almost identical to the VA (had SSDI for 8 years) with some deviation since conditions have worsened over the past decade. I pray that the TDIU claim doesn't take 6 years...yikes.
Thank you again Jim
Jim's Reply
Thank you for your kind words. We're all very pleased to hear that our work helped you to get the rating you deserved. Let us know how the TDIU claim works out.