Do I need to attend a C&P exam for prostate cancer?
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January 2018 at VA in Columbia,MO. VA set me up near my hometown so I could start radiation. A CT scan was done at the treating facility and few days later the radiologist called me and said there was a large mass discovered on my left kidney I filed a claim for Prostate cancer thru a vso, all paperwork and evidence were sent, Portland got the case. A med services people called me and asked if I could go to St. Louis for an evauation. With all further testing I am going thru and surgery to remove the kidney, I told them I did not see how I could for a while.
They said they would send it back to VA. They said to call the 800 va number when I was ready. I am 100% and have been for 12 years, a Vietnam veteran(boots on the ground)Agent Orange comp. recepiant. What in the world is this all about? I seek no further compensation but would at least like to have it claim documented. Thanks.
Jim's Reply
OK...I think I understand...let's see if I'm close. You're a 100% rated veteran for 12 years now. You've been diagnosed with PC and for the Vietnam veteran, that's another 100% rating. The PC rating is temporary and if you don't start treatment, it will stay in place forever.
The exam is a typical C & P exam to confirm that you have prostate cancer. It's one of the formalities VA can't give up no matter how inane it may seem. But...since you didn't make it to the C & P exam, your prostate cancer benefit will likely be denied. Yes, you have good reason to skip such an exam but VA isn't likely to care.
If you're USMC with Lejeune service, you may be eligible for other benefits. I'd like to communicate with you directly via my email, <> so we can be sure you don't miss anything. Please send me an email if you're up for some discussion.