How can I find help with PTSD care?


Where can I find legal support?

As patient in inpatient PTSD care(6-8week program), i reported HIPAA violations to staff. I was subsequently retaliated against by staff and threatened with discharge. I reported these concerns to patient advocate and continued to get retaliated against for using my patient rights to report the problem until I was prematurely discharged for going to patient advocate. I was immediately released from the program

140 miles from home with no transportation. Many ethical violations were violated. I also relapsed due to aggravating my PTSD and released to insufficient care and was fired from my job within two weeks. I have so much evidence, including photos, letters, medical notes and patient advocate records that support my claims. Private attorneys said they believe I have a strong case but their is not enough recovery (money) to invest their time. It feels like it is impossible to get representation because of the VA's sovereign immunity. My reports from VISN have been complete lies to include lies to my congressman which my evidence will prove. This needs exposure and I need representation. I did nothing wrong but report my concerns! I was always an attentive and active patient when i was being retaliated against. I also asked to switch counselors because i believed my current counselor was trying to sabotage my program and denied.

There has to be someone that can help me.

Jim's Reply

I understand your frustration and I empathize. The VA is difficult to deal with under the best of circumstances. When you're ill the frustrations can mount until you have a real mess of emotions to cope with. I've been there and I understand how VA can be maddening!

But the fact is that there isn't anything for you to do. You don't want to hear me say that but it's the only thing I can say if I'm to be truthful with you. There is nothing to do but to let it go and learn from it.

One problem that you face is that nobody will represent you because you're angry. Raw anger isn't an emotion that helps in a court of law.

You're sure you've been wronged and that something must be done. I don't disagree but what you're asking for others to do is to help you get back at those who wronged you...revenge! But that isn't possible.

There is no money to recover, no penalty for anyone so that won't happen. You're asking to punish an organization that doesn't have feelings or even know we're here.

Trying to get revenge or justice for perceived wrongs at VA is like chasing your shadow. It's not going to be favorable to you.

I learned long ago life isn't fair. There are a lot of things we have to let go. You'd do well to let this go and do all you can to get back into treatment. I'll help with that reentry to therapy if you need a hand.





Keeping an eye on the VA, because somebody has to.


Stateside Legal

Legal Help For Military and Veterans

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