Additional Monetary Benefit Above 100% Rating
I am at a 100% percent for PTSD for about 10yrs I just got assigned 20% percent for hypertension effective date 06/24/2016 denied ED secondary to PTSD but VA stated that because am a 100% I cant receive any retro because am max out if that was so why did the VA assigned and effective date on 20%? Please help no one at the call center is on the same page.
Jim's Reply:
Once you reach the 100% rating, there won't be any monetary benefit increase for additional ratings unless you reach an additional 60%. If you have a 100% rating and then an additional 60% of ratings, you may be eligible for the Housebound benefit. If you are severely disabled and unable to perform certain acts of caring for yourself, you may be eligible for the SMC benefit (Special Monthly Compensation). VA agreed that your claim that resulted in the 20% rating is legit as of the assigned effective date but since you are at 100%, there is no additional income. For what it's worth, having that hypertension rating is valuable for your future claims. Many conditions arise that are secondary to hypertension and now that you have the service connected rating for hypertension, you're covered for heart disease, stroke and a lot more...maybe even ED. You may want to appeal the ED denial and claim it as secondary to the 20% rated high blood pressure.