Lawyer 2 Lawyer: Legal Issues Facing Our Veterans

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Lawyer 2 Lawyer: Legal Issues Facing Our Veterans

After our veterans return from combat or active duty, they can face a host of legal issues upon returning to the reality of home. But there is help for these individuals and the legal community is making strides in assisting our veterans in these legal disputes.
A bearded white man standing in a field, holding a young child on his shoulders

After our veterans return from combat or active duty, they can face a host of legal issues upon returning to the reality of home. From homelessness stemming from evictions and foreclosures to child custody disputes to problems with benefits, veterans can have various legal needs due to their lengthy separation from home and are in need of assistance. But there is help for these individuals and the legal community is making strides in assisting our veterans in these legal disputes.

On Lawyer 2 Lawyer, hosts J. Craig Williams and Bob Ambrogi join attorney Richard V. Spataro, director of training and publications for National Veterans Legal Services Program and Robert Liscord, veteran legal services outreach coordinator and paralegal for Pine Tree Legal Assistance, as they take a look at various legal issues facing our veterans. They will discuss legal needs and how attorneys and organizations are assisting veterans with their legal issues.

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