Disability Benefits - the process
Sorry to resort to bothering you via an e-mail ,but i feel lost enough to do this, quick story about me, had prostate cancer,local service officer did paper work for me,was rated 100% for 1 year,had radiation treatment and was reduced to 60% because of after effects,
i understood and was ok with that, vfw guy in indy called me and said he would file for IU and not to worry about it, now , i get notices for c&p for deformed penis, phyc. exam, a&a,bedridden,and s*** ive never heard of,i was ok with my 60% but like anybody else IU sounded ok with me because i have not worked since 2007 ,recieved ss disibility in 2008,ss review stated back problems etc. were related to prostate cancer,
is this turning into an , oh what a tangled web we weave thing or do i just dont go to c&p and take a big chance of losing my 60%? I truthfully am not trying to scam the system. I can not work with the urinary problems and cant walk to the mailbox without a cane and getting exhausted doing that.I am embarrassed to death to do these things. all i want is my 60% rating to not go away. Any advice?
Yeah...I have advice. Don't worry so much brother. Just chill.
You tell me that your VFW representative and you had a conversation. He told you that he would file for the 100% IU benefit for you. I'll assume that during that conversation you agreed that would be fine.
He must have done just what he told you he would do and now VA is rolling ahead with that.
If I had to fault your rep for anything it might be that he didn't explain to you what all is involved with filing for an increased benefit.
What's happening is that VA has taken a look at your file. The law requir:es them to do that when they consider you for any new benefit. They must look at any possible illness or injury you have had even if it doesn't seem to make sense to you.
Then they have to get all kinds of documentation. That often requires new and more thorough C & P exams by the doctors. I understand that you may not want to have to jump through all these hoops but there is just no way to get around it.
From what you tell me of your current health, you are in no danger of losing that 60%. I advise that you don't sweat that. It also sounds like you are a very good candidate for the IU 100% benefit. I'd put money down in favor of you getting the 100% IU award.
I would further advise that you do everything necessary to get to all those exams. Even if all that makes you uncomfortable or if it's embarrassing or a pain to do all the travel, just do it.
The ultimate benefit to you is a lot more money and a more comfortable life. I know money isn't everything but I also know that it doesn't hurt to have it. The amount of the difference between 60% and 100% is a lot...don't walk away from that.
If you insist that you do not want to do all this, you have the right to withdraw the application for IU 100%. I'd hate to know you did that but it is your right.
I hope that now that you know what's going on it'll make this process a little easier for you. Let me know if you have more questions.