Rights of People with Disabilities

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Rights of People with Disabilities

Learn about the rights of persons with disabilities to access state-funded community-based services.
A photo of a family, taken from the back. A man in a green shirt pushed someone using a wheelchair, while walking with a small child.

Atlanta Legal Aid Society maintains a website for people with disabilities and their advocates.  The site has adopted the name of the major 1999 U.S. Supreme Court decision Olmstead v. LC.  In that case, the court interpreted the Americans with Disabilities Act  to mean that people with disabilities have a qualified right to receive state funded supports and services in the community rather than institutions. 

Go to this site:

  • to learn more about your rights under the ADA and the Olmstead decision
  • to get self-help tools, and
  • to find help resources in your state

Advocates can log into the site to access advocacy resources.

Go to OlmsteadRights.org


Updated January 2018

Source URL: https://dev.statesidelegal.org/rights-people-disabilities