2015 Law Review Article on Providing Quality Service to Post-9/11 Veterans
This article was authored by Patty Roberts, William & Mary Law School and published by the University of Memphis Law Review, Vol. 45, 2015.
The article addresses our post 9/11 veterans and the increasing need for those in higher education, law teaching, and law practice to be aware of the challenges these veterans face in reintegration into their communities, particularly with their use of their Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits. Higher education institutions, including law schools, need to be culturally sensitive to the diverse needs of veteran students, and should have integrated supports in place to maximize their success as students. In addition to being prepared to support veterans returning to campus, lawyers and law students need to be taught how best to serve veteran clients, especially because our all-volunteer military leaves the majority of our population out of direct contact with those who serve. (Abstract by Social Science Research Network)