Interactive Form - Auto Lease Termination

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Interactive Form - Auto Lease Termination

The Purpose of the Service Members’ Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is to provide protection to service members who have difficulty meeting their financial and legal obligations because of their military service. If you are called to active duty for at least 180 days, then you may terminate a motor vehicle lease duty without paying an early termination fee or other penalty. The motor vehicle lease must…
A computer generated image of a series of papers layered on top of each other. The top paper is a check list with red check-marks on it.

The Purpose of the Service Members’ Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is to provide protection to service members who have difficulty meeting their financial and legal obligations because of their military service.

If you are called to active duty for at least 180 days, then you may terminate a motor vehicle lease duty without paying an early termination fee or other penalty. The motor vehicle lease must have been signed before being called to active duty.

This right is not automatic. You must give the person or company that leased you the vehicle written notice of the termination. You must also provide a copy of your military orders.

Also, you must return the vehicle to the person or company that leased you the vehicle within 15 days of the delivery of the notice.

About This Sample Letter
The letter provides the required statement of notice to the person or company that leased you the vehicle so you can terminate a motor vehicle lease duty without paying an early termination fee or other penalty.

  • Include a copy of your military orders.
  • Include a copy of the Odometer Statement “Attachment A.”
  • It is a good idea to send the a letter by registered mail with a return receipt request.
  • Read over the letter and make sure the information you have given is correct and complete.

Remember that the letter provided in the packet at the link below is not based upon any specific state law or jurisdiction. The letter may need to be modified before use in any specific jurisdiction.

  • Interactive Form Packet currently down
  • Sample Form Packet is attached


IMPORTANT NOTICE: You must have Microsoft Word or Word Viewer installed on your computer to use the interactive form packet. You can download Word Viewer for free here.

You must have Adobe Reader to view the sample form packet. You can download Adobe Reader for free here.


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Resource Date: November 2015

Attachment Size
Auto Lease Termination Form290.06 KB 290.06 KB

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