More questions about TDIU


My question is this:

I am 100% and it says totally and permanent, on my Service letter, I never saw anything on my original letter (which I can not find) about a scheduled date for a new exam, which confused me. On top of that I don't see anything about the TDIU. Though I was reading on the back, and it said under VA Benefits Details, something about Individual Unemployability, is this just across the board under benefits detail? Would the TDIU be stated under VA Benefits Information? I am just curious I have not had a job in two years, and was unsure If I am allowed to get one, as I have been told I can and then others told me I can not. If you could let me know any information I would be grateful. 





VA does a terrible job of telling veterans the simplest details. This leads to a lot of confusion for everyone. What I can interpret from what you tell me is that you are rated as 100% TDIU. This is a permanent rating and there are no future exams scheduled.

This means you aren't allowed to work at "gainful employment". The VA defines gainful employment as a job that will pay you more than the poverty rate for your region.

You can have a look on eBenefits to see if it will generate a letter for you. The letter often defines your benefits better than the documents you receive in the mail.



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