Benefit Question
I’m not exactly sure how to start this.. My son joined the Marine Corp. upon his graduation in 2003.. He graduated basic training in early 2004..He then went to training in Norfolk. Just a few mths. later he was honorably discharged with a bipolar disorder.. I found out after the fact that he had been the recipiant of Hazing, & he pointed a loaded gun @ a C/O. He was then put in a Phsciatric Ward for numerous weeks b/4 his discharge.. From the time he joined till his release was less than 1 yr..
He has never been the same..This destroyed him..He started using & abusing perscription drugs..This created legal problems as well...He is clean now, & trying so hard to get his act together..My ? to you, does my Son qualify for any Medical treatment @ the V.A. Hospital...He has severe psorisis, & it has caused arthritis to set into his joints..& he has no insurance..
Thank you for taking the time to read this..I am just a Mom who will do anything I can to help my son...
If his discharge is honorable, it is likely that he is eligible to apply for any number of benefits, including health care.
Please take some time to read through my A to Z Guide at to understand how the system works. Then begin the process by filing a VA Form 21-526 to the nearest VA Regional Office.
He may wish to seek disability compensation for aggravation of a pre-existing condition. In other words, his bipolar disorder may have been existent prior to his entry into service and then was exacerbated by the things you point out.
If his psoriasis was evident at all on active duty, he should apply for benefits for that too.
The process of applying for the disability compensation will enter him into the health care system as he is awarded benefits.