Why didn't I receive a rating with my service connected injury?
Thank you in advance.
I just received an answer from a 7 year old claim from a BVA Appeal for a PTSD and Sleep Apnea claim. I had asked for an increase of PTSD from 50% and service connection for Sleep Apnea. They denied the PTSD increase but service connected me for Sleep Apnea. My question is they did not give me a rating for the Sleep Apnea. Is that normal?
What is my rating or how do I get a rating?
BVA doesn't assign ratings. They can establish a service connection and then the claim returns to the regional office to establish the rating. You'll be scheduled for a C & P exam and once that's done a rater will get the file and determine the rating.
Yes, all this may take a while even though it's supposed to be prioritized. Hang in there. If BVA established service connection on a 7 year old claim, you're due at least 7 years of retro at 50%.